of Salinas City
Teacher Resources
Tell Me, Grandpa! Is a work of historical fiction designed to introduce third grade students to life in early Salinas. Based on the writing of Florence Baker ( Granddaughter of I.J. Harvey, first mayor of Salinas) and corroborated by materials from the Monterey County Historical Society, it tells the history of the Salinas Valley and the beginning of Salinas from the point of view of a curious nine year old.
For additional video clips see main "Resource" page.
We are providing you with a digital copy of Tell Me, Grandpa and the Companion Book of activities that build on CCSS in language arts. On the student page, you will also find the book divided into chapters with narration, so you can simply have students click on the webpage, go to Resources, then Student Resources, and finally to the assigned chapter.
Go to our “Virtual Tour” page to visit the House and gardens and see the same artifacts and hear the information that students would enjoy if they were able to come in person.